I have been off blogging quiet for sometime. Its not that I ran out of interest to blog or not that I dint have anything to write but not in a frame of mind to write what my eternally perplexed mind is thinking. A lot has happened in life since I wrote the last blog entry.
I am in a constant race with Time that is trying to take me to a different world altogether.
A world that may not have any struggles or competions.
A world that will not have irritating people around me.
A world that may not have lures of unwanted fantasy.
A world that may not have any pain caused by love or lack of love.
A world that will not require you to constantly engage yourself in a battle to reign supreme in the societly.
A world that can alleviate the Ego of the heart.
A world where you feel that you are respected without you having to do anything to get respect. A world that gives you a divine peace of mind and a feeling of contentment at heart.
I am embarked on a journey into a world where I can get all that I want to. I wish I get there despite any amount of hassle I come across in the path.