Friday, April 23, 2010

Inside the Heart and Mind of Christo :) Contd

Last entry introduced all the characters who play/played a crucial role in the life of Christo. Christo has been the most unlucky guy the planet earth would have ever seen. Above all, he is a dreamer and nothing can stop him from dreaming. Is dreaming an excuse to gratify the unfulfilled needs? Probably many might so YES. for that matter, even Freud classifies dreams under a category called 'dream of wish fulfillment'

But Christo is a dreamer of an altogether different category. Rather, you cannot try and classify him under any broad topic. He is a very passionate follower of his dreams. He likes dreams and he likes turning the dream into reality more than mere dreaming. Christo likes writing, for he wants to become one of the most renowned writers of the age. He likes writing only very deep and contemplative literature. Mostly, inspired by his personal life and experiences.

Christo lives a life of a King. Christo is a very spiritual person who is a very strong believer in his GOD and the social institution of religion. He sees life and its meaning as a plan of GOD. Most of the debates of his mind are a dialogue he engages himself with GOD. He writes several things as a letter to GOD.

There are a very few things that Christo holds very dear to his heart. Christo loves kids and sees a new meaning of life in kids. He likes to have kids and grow them up. He wants to redefine love and its attributes. Christo considers his family a great blessing and wants to constantly love his family. Christo admires and respects women. Women are the most respected human beings by Christo. He hates any cheap or derogatory remarks against women.

He strongly believes that Women are the most modern marvel of Gods creation and life is meaningless if you dont respect and love women.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Heart and Mind of Christo :) :( - Introductory part.

Most of the problems in human kind arises when there is a mismatch between heart and mind. In several occasions heart says something, but the mind thinks something else and hence there is absolute chaos. So, how to ensure that heart and mind are in sync with each other? That is zillion dollar question that we are trying to decode to find a solution.

I have been battling with this problem for ages and that is one of the main reason to name by blog battlefield of mind. But, this entry is very different as I am not gonna rant about myself but a character whom I know for a long time and his name is Christo.

Here goes the tale of Christo. Christo is a very normal and down to earth, slightly above average IQ guy. The plot is about the time of his earthly genesis till this moment.

Christo is the most innocent guy for his age group and he has never ever been given an opportunity to express his sincere emotions or express himself. His society has always imposed several things just to satiate the whims and fancies of the society's wants. Christo is seldom given an opportunity to voice out what he thinks.

His parents are the best that can ever ask for. Unfortunately, nature has decided to start its game play in Christo's life at a very early stage as he had to lose his mother at the age of 2 due to a bike accident. Imagine life for christo from the age of 2 without a mother.

Christo has had a pathetic existence in life though he had everything financially he wanted. But, metaphysically Christo lacked everything. Everything that could bring an innocent smile on a Child's face. A crying baby is filled with Joy wen the mother feeds him. But, for Christo, everything in life is only hear say or visual of something as he really cannot feel or experience anything.

Christo always deeply believed that he is not able to come to terms with the loss of his mother and he really wants to have a BIG FIGHT with god if and when the chance comes up. His family and extended family have showered too much love on this child, that they even ignore the fact about the loss of mother and they think that they can substitute.

Christo cannot even cry on his mother's anniversary as the social circle around him does not encourage him to. Christo has to behave as they everything is normal in his life while nothing goes on normally.

Christo holds a few things very close to heart. First, undoubtedly, his mother Mary who means everything in life to him though she is not a part of this life physically.

I am discussing only about his earthy priorities.(Family descriptions omitted)

Second, the subject he loves the most namely People Operations management. He can live and die for the love of this subject. This subject has skillfully got the best out of him and the only subject that keeps him going in academics. He can yap about this subject for ages without food or water or any basic amenity.

Third, one person named DASH. This person DASH is a she and she has phenomenal amount of influence in Christo's life. Dash has been the person who keeps Chris going and she has always been there whenever he needed for a long time but not now. Christo is devasted and heart broken due to this. I have to write one separate entry about DASH alone as its the biggest episode of this life but also the most short lived subject of his life. But the pain Christo, undergoes even now is beyond human measure and only Christo can relate to it.

Fourth, one person named A a. A a has not played any significant role in his life till date. But, he is so eager to welcome her in his life and he has great plans to make their life very meaningful, if that's the will of GOD.

Fifth, FRIENDS who cannot be summarized by any phrase or small description.

Random Thoughts

My apologies for not penning an entry for quiet sometime. Lots of reasons to rejoice and ofcourse more no of reasons to cause a frown in my face. First, one year of MBA is over. Terrible phase of inaction is what i would like to use to summarize MBA. One tough year is over. One more to go.

Bangalore has never been so interesting like the last three months. Lots of activities in Bangalore and lots of new meaningful friends/relationships. I am thankful to God for that. At last, am extremely thankful to God for showing me the first Catholic life group/prayer group, in which, I can proudly engage myself to strengthen my relationship with GOD.

I am really, pumped up with the energy provided by friends who appreciate my writing. Though, they constantly keep me going, they also ensure that i should take my writing standards to the next level. I am planning to write a literary work named "Conversations".

To think of some of the set backs or rather a lot of set backs, it starts with this. My battle to get a good internship did not meet with a instant success as I am fond of Instant success in everything. Rather, nature and God always ensure that I am made to be anxious crazily before something could actually could show its face.

So, the internship Saga has kindah come to an end. Other issues, are remaining at a status quo.